AAC adhesive blocks

Scentus AAC Thin Bed Mortar

The AAC block adhesive is a pre-mixed mortar that requires only water to use. In this mortar, all ingredients are weighed very accurately and blended in a high-tech dry mixer. Due to the industrial production of mortar, in addition to its high precision in weighing, concrete and mortar additives are used appropriately to improve the technical properties of the mortar, especially its mechanical strength.

About Scentus

Based on its technical, expert and young team, Danesh Chemistry Afrin Shams Company has launched a scientific suite on the development of construction products, especially the production of dry mortar and adhesives suitable for climate, environmental and Consumer satisfaction. Currently, the company’s products scentus (SCENTUS), relying on up-to-date knowledge, experience and machines in line with European standards, strive to cover the region’s market share.